Bangs: 8.5", Crown: 15.0", Overall: 22.5, Front to Back: 9.0", Side to Side: 8.0"
Milan by Noriko for Rene of Paris is NOT a full wig, but a mono top hair enhancer that adds volume and length to fine or thinning hair. The 8.5" x 9" mono base of Milan provides ample coverage and versatile realism with the look of natural hair growth.
The Milan hair enhancer is similar to a 3/4 cap wig offering full coverage at the top-crown with the nape left exposed for your own hair. By sliding the 4 attached pressure sensitive toupee clips on Milan into your existing hair at the crown and then snapping them shut, just blend into your natural hair, and you are ready to go.
Please get a color ring to find your perfect color match.
Noriko wigs are widely known for their exquisite color blends, stunning ombre colors, and long rooted natural-looking tones. We refer to the Milan wig as Milan Rooted when offered in colors with darker shadowed roots.
The second color shown for Milan is Creamy Toast R, a hybrant color. See its separate listing under Milan Rooted.
The third color shown for Milan is Nutmeg F, a hybrant color. See its separate listing under Milan Rooted.
The Milan Top piece weighs 115 grams.