Open Cap Wigs

One variation on the standard wefted cap construction is the Open Cap construction - also sometimes referred to as Capless because of its light weight. Open Cap construction means that the wefts are less dense with a bit more space between them. Therefore the hair is also less dense. Capless styles are lighter weight with better air circulation compared to other wig cap constructions. Many women who wear wigs for medical reasons prefer an Open Cap construction. Because they will more likely wear their wig for longer periods of time, a lighter weight cap provides more comfort.

New advancements in stretch technology now provide Open Cap constructions with thin resilient dual elastic sides that provide comfort and a precise all day fit. Open Cap wigs will have adjustment straps behind the ears to allow the wig to be sized down for a more snug fit.

An Open Cap construction can have a lace front, monofilament part, or monofilament crown. Open Cap wigs are one of the more popular wig cap constructions. With a well-constructed Open Cap wig, you have the closest illusion to a real hair look. High quality Open Cap wigs represent a great non-surgical hair replacement alternative. With a well-made Open Cap wig there are no limitations to your look or lifestyle. Open Cap wigs can be made with human hair, synthetic hair, or a combination of the two. With quality Open Cap wigs you can finally have the off the face hairstyling you always desired.

The wig shown at the right is Cinch by Raquel Welch. specializes in the highest quality Open Cap wigs from the top designers, with the guaranteed best price, plus Free USA Shipping on orders over $150.

Below you will find our selection of all 311 Open Cap Wigs for your fashion pleasure.

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