Looking for styles from a specific brand that are available in a specific color
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Tap the button View all xx available colors for BRAND NAME which will take you to their all colors page.
Tap / click the color you are interested in.
All styles in the selected color from that specific brand will show.
Amore Color Codes
Belle Tress Color Codes
Estetica Designs Color Codes
Envy Color Codes
Ellen Wille Color Codes
Gabor Color Codes
Hairdo Color Codes
Henry Margu Color Codes
Jon Renau Codes
Louis Ferre Color Codes
Noriko Color Codes
Raquel Welch Color Codes
Rene of Paris Color Codes
Tony of Beverly Color Codes
Tress Allure Color Codes
Amore Color Codes
Amore colors mostly have a descriptive color name. A few colors in the grey family have numbers for their color code.
Regular colors Just the name or a number
ex: Mocha Brown - Description: Darkest brown with light brown around face & at nape.
ex: Numbers: 51 (grey), 60 (white)
56 (lighter grey) Description: Gray shades graduating from a light gray base w/ sparkling finely weaved silver gray highlights.
R The R stands for a rooted color where the roots of the wig are darker than the rest of the color blend
ex: Razberry Ice R - Description: A blend of burgundy and paprika with darker roots. Butterscotch highlights.
LR The LR stands for long rooted with longer, darker shaded roots.
ex: Plumberry Jam LR - Description: A blend of red & fuchsia with long roots of medium plum.
SR The SR stands for soft root and gives definition of the rooted color without any harsh demarcation lines.
ex: Cashmere Brown SR - Description: A medium beige brown base with woven velvet blond highlights and a (SR) soft darker root.
Some colors do not reveal if they are high lighted, frosted or tipped unless you read the color description when you mouse over the color's name.
ex: Melted Marshmellow - Description: An ombre of color from medium brown roots to reddish brown frosted middle section to white silver tips
Belle Tress Color Codes
Belle Tress Regular Colors have just a descriptive name. Additional information, sometimes a color code with numbers or a description of the color is available when you mouse over the color swatch.
ex: Cola with Cherry - Description: 4R/6/350 - Cappuccino dark brown root with a blend of dark chocolate brown, mahogany and chocolate cherry.
ex: Sumptuous Strawberry - Description: A hybrid of pure red, strawberry blonde, a hint of paprika, and honey with copper undertones, medium brown root, and honey blonde hues.
ex: Purple Rain - Description: A blend of 8 different shades of brown and purple with a medium and light brown mixture of roots.
Balayage Colors
Balayage is a French word meaning to sweep or to paint. In a hair salon however, the word has become a way of life. ... This allows for a sun-kissed, natural looking hair colour, similar to what nature gives us as children. When done properly the balayage technique leaves softer, less noticeable regrowth lines.
Balayage involves color literally being painted through the hair in streaks to give it a sunkissed look.
Highlights are swept onto the hair by hand in a free-form sort of way. Highlights are concentrated at the ends of the hair rather than at the roots.
There are 8 Balayage colors - The color Name plus the designation Balayage color :
ex: Sugar Plum - Designation under the color name: Balayage Color - Description: Dark chocolate brown roots blends towards the ends with a subtle mixture of platinum and pure, marshmallow blonde.
- Caramel Almond
- Ceylon
- Cinnamon Ginger
- Coconut Brown Sugar
- Hibiscus
- Peach Bellini
- Sugar Plum
- Sweet Mango
Dynamica Colors
There are 5 Dynamica colors: Aqua Denim, Silver Needle, Blue Steele, Strawberry Shortcake, Rose Gold. All have shimmering multi-dimensional blends of colors with darker roots.
Name plus designation under name shows that it is a Dynamica color.
ex: Aqua-Denim Designation: Dynamica Color - Description: Deep sea-blue indigo watercolor with deep black-blue jean root.
Estetica Designs Color Codes
For Synthetic Hair & Human Hair
Estetica Designs color descriptions use numerical color codes with R in front such as R25/88, and descriptive names such as Lilac Haze, Smokey Rose, or combinations of descriptive name and color code such as SilverSunRT8, in addition to the more granular codes BT, CH, F, LF, ROM, RT, T, RH, M, RM explained below.
BT Blended Tip - Top half of base color blended and tipped to bottom half of highlight
ex: R12/30BT- Description: Light brown (12) blended and tipped with medium auburn (30)
CH Chunky Highlight Side by side of streaks contrasting color
ex: RM12/26CH - Description: Light brown with chunky golden blonde highlights
F Frosted 80% base color frosted with 20% lighter color
ex: R20F - Description: Light auburn with golden blonde frost
LF Light Front - Gradual lightening towards top of the head
ex: R8LF14 - Description: Golden brown lightening to a dark blonde mix in front and top
ROM Ombre colors- Dark base on top with ombre transition to lightest color at the ends with sun-kissed highlights at top of head.
ex: ROM6240RT4 - Description: Golden brown base with a subtle graduation to copper blonde.

RT - Rooted
RT indicates a color with roots (RT) Natural darker base color at root
ex: CKissRT- Color code: 4 - Description: Golden brown w/ copper blonde highlights & dark roots
ex: Chromert - Color code: 1B - Description: Gray & white with 25% medium brown bend & off-black roots
ex: RTH6/28 - Description: Chestnut brown w/ subtle auburn Highlights & auburn Tipped Ends
ex: R30/28/26RT- Color code: 4 - Description: Medium auburn, light auburn & golden blonde blend w/ dark roots
T - Tipped Darker base color tipped with highlighted ends
ex: R18/22T - Description: Ash blonde tipped with light ash blonde.
RH - R with a H added at the end or next to the R (RH) indicates highlights
ex: R8/26H - Description: Dark Blonde (8) with golden blonde (26) Highlights
ex: RH1488RT8 - Description: RH (regular color w/ highlights) Light brown (14) with chunky golden blonde highlights (88) and dark brown roots (RT8)
Some colors that have highlights are recognized only by the description of the color.
ex: z- Description: Light brown with pale golden blonde highlights.
ex: Harvest Gold - Description: Medium brown with golden blonde highlights
ex: Caramel Kiss - Description: Golden brown with light copper blonde highlights
M MODIFIED: Has been updated.
ex: R12/26CHM - Description: Light brown with chunky (CH) golden blonde highlights. Same as R12/26CH.
RM RE-MODIFIED: Second update.
ex: R12/26CH
R12/26CHM same color but is designated that the color formula has been modified. To our eye the color will look the same and the swatches and descriptions we show on our site are all the same.
RM12/26CHM basically same color as R12/26CH, but is designated that the color formula has been modified a second time.
ex: Caramel Kiss
CarmKissM - same color as Caramel Kiss, but is designated that the color formula has been modified.
RMcarkiss - same color as Caramel Kiss, but is designated that the color formula has been modified a second time.

Envy wigs are made with either Synthetic 100% Kanekalon fiber or a 30% Human Hair 70% Synthetic fiber blend.
All colors are labeled with a color name. We try to offer a color description when you mouse over the color on a product page.
All colors with Shadow after the fashion name have darker rooted colors, however many other colors also have darker roots. You will need to read their pop up descriptions to learn if a particular color has darker roots ex: Toasted Sesame - Description: Warm cinnamon base with golden blonde highlights and medium brown roots
ex: Almond Breeze - Description: Light brown blended with ash blonde
ex: Medium Grey - Description: Salt and pepper gray - 50% medium brown 50% gray
ex: Champagne Shadow - Description: Soft dark blonde w/ platinum highlights and chestnut roots.
Ellen Wille Color Codes
All Ellen Wille swatches have names. As you browse our Ellen Wille styles and mouse over the color swatches on a product's page, we show the color swatch name, a description, and color code (in many cases).
However, Ellen Wille color is designed specifically for each style. Consequently the same color will have slight variations in the color blend and the way it looks in a wig depending upon the individual style. Note in the image above, the slight variations of color for Sandy Blonde Rooted in three different styles: Wanted (16/22/26), Girl Mono (16/22/14), and Turn (16/22/25).
Ellen Wille has a unique way in which the colors are named: Fashion name followed by MIXED, ROOTED, LIGHTED, TIPPED, TONED, SHADED, DARK, LIGHT, HOT. Read on to gain some understanding.
All colors are mixed with an even distribution of all the colors being used throughout the style.
ex: Sandy Blonde Mix - Description: Medium honey blonde, light ash blonde, & lightest red.
For the style Mondo the color code is (20/26/16), but for Mega Mono the code for the same color is (22/20/14).
ex: Silver Mix - Description: A blend of pure silver white and pearl platinum blonde.
For the style Spa the Silver Mix color code is (56/60), but for Elite the color code is (60/101) and for Cara 100 Deluxe the Silver Mix the color code is (51/6)
Ex: Auburn Mix - Description: A blend of dark auburn, bright copper red, and warm medium brown. (33/130/4) Color code will be slightly different depending upon the style.
ex: Black Cherry Mix - Description: Jet black base with plum highlights. Color code for Talia is (1/131).
ex: Champagne Mix - Description: A blend of light beige blonde, medium honey blonde, and platinum blonde.
Champagne Mix color code for Tempo 100 Deluxe is (22/25/26). Yet the Champagne Mix color code for Aletta is (16/25/20).
A mixed color with a darker root throughout the entire style mimicking natural regrowth.
ex: Bernstein Rooted - Description: Light brown base with subtle light honey blonde & light butterscotch blonde highlights & dark roots.
For the style Drive, a long style, the Bernstein Rooted color code is ((12/24/27), but for Club 10, a short style, the code for the same color is (12/26/19 ).
ex: Red Vino Shaded - Description: A blend of (33) dark auburn &d (30) light auburn w/(29) copper red highlights and dark roots. The Red Vino Shaded color code for Ferrara, a long style, is (33/30/29), but for Rica, a short style, the code for the same color is (33/130/4)
A mixed color with a concentrated amount of highlighting in the front to open and brighten up the face-framing area.
ex: Dark Brown Lighted - A blend of dark brown & dark auburn & light auburn with shaded roots.
ex: Nut Multi Lighted - Description: Medium brown base with light golden blonde highlights and light auburn low lights.
Lighter tipped ends, similar to an ombre effect where the color is darker at the roots and lightens as it reaches the ends.
ex: Nougat Tipped - Description: Medium light ash brown with lighter tipped ends. (8/12/9) Anima
ex: Espresso Tipped - Description: Darkest brown tipped with medium brown. Color code of Espresso Tipped for (2/4/8) Tabu and (2/4/6) Cloud
A root color is applied only to the top and crown area of the style.
ex: Champagne Toned - Description: A blend of light neutral blonde & medium blonde w/ lightest golden blonde & shaded roots.
Color code of Champagne Toned for Area is (26/14), but for Rule it is (22/16/25)
In addition to the distribution, some colors will also be darker, lighter, or more warm-toned.
DARK with swatch name offers more lowlights
A darker variation of a mixed color made darker overall by using the darkest color as the most dominant, creating additional depth. Creates the illusion of lowlights on the original mixed color.
Ex: Dark Smoke Mix - Description: 25% gray with a pale golden brown.
Versus Smoke Mix - Description: Medium Brown blended with 35% Pure White with a medium grey base
LIGHT with swatch name offers more highlights
A lighter and brighter variation of a mixed color made lighter overall by using the lightest color as the most dominant, creating a lighter effect.
Ex: Light Champagne Rooted - Description: Blend of pearl platinum and light ash blonde with winter white & medium brown shaded roots.
The Light Champagne Rooted color code for Stay is (24/101/60), for Talia Mono it is (23/101/24), and for En Vogue it is (23/25/24).
HOT with swatch name offers more warmth + bold highlights
A warmer variation of a mixed color made more vibrant overall by using the warmest color as the most dominant with bold highlights, creating a warm effect. Found primarily in red and auburn colors.
Ex: Hot Mocca Rooted - Blend of medium brown, light brown, and light auburn with dark roots.
These 11 colors only have descriptions. There are no color codes available. Depending upon the color they are blends of exotic colors with darker roots, or shaded roots.
ex: Bisquit Blonde Rooted - Description: A blend of darkest brown with light golden blonde and winter white w/ shaded roots.
ex: Metallic Blonde Shaded - Description: Blend of pearl platinum, pearl white, and grey w/ dark shaded roots.
ex: Pastel Mint Rooted - Description: Pearl platinum & light neutral blonde w/ subtle mint green hues & medium brown base w/ dark roots.
ex: Pastel Mint Shaded - Description: Pearl platinum & light neutral blonde w/ subtle mint green hues & medium brown base w/ shaded roots.
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Gabor Color Codes
GL Gabor's Luminous colors
offering multi-dimensional shades created by hand blending tone-on-tone hues to create brilliant colors that are a perfect balance of subtle depth and natural-looking highlights.
Gabor's Luxury Collection styles are available in GL colors made with Gabor's exclusive Kanekalon Flexite modacrylic fiber for stunning looks in subtle gorgeous Luminous color tones. Do a SEARCH on our site for Luxury Collection to find all the styles in this collections.
ex: GL6-30 whose color name is Mahogany - Description: Dark brown with soft copper highlights.
SS Gabor Soft Shades
Gabor's Soft Shades (SS) are part of the Luminous color collection. Soft Shades give each style a subtle progression of dimensional color that is darkest at the root, gradually lightening to a mid-tone range. Soft Shades colors are lightest at the ends for the natural look of hair lightened by the sun. The Gabor Soft Shades offer modern dimension and depth for a youthful, sun-kissed effect. Gabor Soft Shades styles are made with Kanekalon Flexlite fiber.
GLxxx-xxSS indicates a SS Soft Shade color.
A number of regular Gabor colors (GL) also have a Soft Shade (SS) version.
ex: GL14-16 whose color name is Honey Toast - Description: Dark blonde with golden highlights
ex: GL14-16SS whose color name is the Soft Shade: Honey Toast - Description: Chestnut brown base blends into multi-dimensional tones of medium brown and dark golden blonde with dark roots.
Gabor Plus Colors
Gxx+ indicates a Gabor Plus(+) color
Wig styles made with Gabor Plus shades have face-framing highlights and lowlights in the front that gradually progress to deeper and richer hues at the nape. Choose from an array of salon-inspired colors. Gabor Plus Color styles are made with Kanekalon
Kanekalon Flexlite fiber
A lightweight, fine 24 denier fiber, Kanekalon Flexlite eliminates weight and volume without sacrificing coverage.
Flexlite fiber.
ex: G29+ whose color name is Cayenne Mist - Description: Medium ginger brown base with golden blonde highlights
ex: G15+ whose color name is Buttered Toast Mist- Description: Warm dark blonde base with light blonde and strawberry blonde highlights
Gabor Essentials Colors
Descriptive name of color for each swatch color.
ex: Medium Brown
ex: Medium Red
ex: Light Grey
All Gabor Essentials styles are made with HairUWear s exclusive Kanekalon Excelle heat-friendly fiber. This soft, natural-looking, 100% polyester fiber can be heat styled to achieve the look you want.
Gabor s special Kanekalon Excelle synthetic hair fiber is easier to care for than your own hair, and the hand-blended colors makes it the most natural-looking hair around. Use styling products as needed or even heat style.
Gabor Designer Series Colors
All Gabor Designer Series styles are made with Tru2Life synthetic fiber, a blend of two polyester fibers- very fine and light. Easily moldable. It resists matting giving you a much more resilient looking fiber.
GF designation in front of swatch color number for colors in the Designer Series Collection.
SS indicates a soft shaded color
ex: GF119 whose color name is Silver & Smoke - Description: Light brown with 80% grey in front, gradually blended into 50% grey.
ex: GF11 25SS whose color name is SS Honey Pecan - Description: Chestnut brown base blends into multi-dimensional tones of brown & golden blonde w/ dark roots.
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Hairdo Color Codes
Hairdo styles are made with Tru2Life heat-friendly synthetic hair that can be flat-ironed, curled or blown out. Most Hairdo colors have a numberical code, however their fashion / fantasy colors, for which Hairdo offers a supurb variety, only have description names. Mousing over the color on a product page will give more inofrmation.
ex: Arctic Melt - Description: Dark cobalt blue roots graduating to lavender that fades into white lilac.
R with a number indicate regular colors in synthetic fibers
ex: R4 color name: Midnight Brown - Description: Dark brown base with blend of dark and medium warm brown.
SS Soft shaded colors with dark roots
ex: SS14/88 - Description: Medium honey blonde and highlights of soft gold blonde (88) with medium brown roots
R with a S+ added at the end indicates highlighting on top
ex: R829S+ - Description: Medium Brown (R8) with Ginger (29)S+ Highlighting on Top
R with a H added at the end indicates highlights of the color it is with
ex: R6/30H color name: Chestnut Brown - Description: (R6) with Medium Auburn (30) Highlights
R with a T added at the end indicates a color with lighter (tipped) ends
ex: R1416T - Description: Dark ash blonde (R14)with tips of golden blonde(16)T
Henry Margu Color Codes
Highlighted Colors H
Highlighted colors have blends of up to 36 Highlighted colors creating an amazingly natural appearance for each style.
ex: 1BH - Description: Off black w/ medium dark brown highlights
ex: 131H - Description: Fire red w/ auburn highlights
Rooted R
Colors have R at the end of the number have a darker root color with lighter tips.
ex: 8/26R - Description: Light gold blonde w/ medium brown roots
Gradient GR
GR colors are a naturally highlighted color with darker root color at the base. Using a special coloring process, each strand of fiber is dyed with a darker root color at the base resulting in a naturally highlighted color with dark roots that appear to grow directly out of the scalp.
Colors have GR at the end of the number.
ex: 27GR - Description: Dark brown roots w/ strawberry blonde & dark blonde high lights.
ex: 614GR - Description: Wheat blonde w/ light gold blonde high lights & brown roots.
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Jon Renau Color Codes
Be aware that the type of fiber effects how a color with the same designation will look. A color swatch that has the same designation for a wig may look different if it has heat defiant (HD) fibers or regular synthetic fibers. Likewise a color on a Remy or human hair fiber will look different from the same color on a synthetic fiber. Elegant wigs recommends getting a color ring to check the color you want.
Below are the most common codes you will find for Jon Renau colors. Many colors will have combinations of the codes:
ex: 27MBTT - called Chocolate Dipped Strawberry - Description: A MB mixed blend of medium red-gold blonde & medium red w/ medium gold tips (TT), medium red at nape.
ex: FS24/102S12 - called Laguna Blonde - Description: A blend of light gold brown with pale natural gold blonde - (S) shaded with medium brown As a FS Fashion Surup cplor this will have bold highlights.
/ slash mark
A slash between color codes indicates a blend of the colors
ex: 14/24 - called Creme Soda - Description: A blend of medium natural ash blonde & light natural blonde.
ex: 18/22 - called Flan - Description: A blend of dark natural ash blonde & light ash blonde.
Renau Naturals (RN) colors achieve vibrant natural hues without the use of dyes in the process, leaving the hair superbly healthy and ready for custom color and highlights, if desired. These colors are found on Remy and Human hair styles.
Salons prefer the RN colors because the human hair fibers in these Jon Renau wigs work better than other human hair wigs in absorbing and accepting custom salon coloring.
ex: 4RN - Description: a dark brown Renau Natural
ex: 6RN, 8RN, 24B22RN, 613RN,
ex: FS12/26RN - Description: A blend of medium gold blonde & medium red-gold blonde Renau Natural
RO indicates a Renau Ombre. These colors achieve a natural gradation of color.
The new cascading colors all are RO colors.
ex: B8-27/30RO - Description: Ombre from medium brown roots to mid lengths, & medium red-gold blonde mid lengths to tips.
ex: S6-30A27RO called Autumn - Cascading Color - Description: Rich chestnut brown roots brighten to coppery and crisp auburn hues.
Highlighted colors (H) & Syrup (FS) were especially designed around current fashion forward styles. Notice how Jon Renau adds flare with multiple colors streaked into a base color.
ex: FS26/31 - Description: A blend of medium red-gold brown & light gold blonde w/ bold high lights of light gold blonde
ex: FS24/102S12 - Description: Light natural gold blonde (24) w/ bold high lights of pale natural gold blonde (102) / Shaded with light gold brown(12)
FS indicates a Fashion Syrup color. This color blend will have bold highlights.
ex: FS10 - called Toffee Syrup - Description: Light brown with natural gold blonde bold highlights.
ex: FS26/31/S6 - called Salted Caramel - Description: FS (Fashion Syrup) highlights in #26 (blonde) with a base color of red #31. S6indicates it is shaded at the root in #6, brown
ex: FS26/31 - called Caramel Syrup - Description: Medium natural red brown w/ medium red gold blonde bold highlights.
ex: FS12/24B - called Cinnamon Syrup - Description: Golden brown w/ highlights of honey blonde.
RH indicates a Renau highlighted color. These are blended colors with a 33% highlight
ex: 22RH613 - called Macaroon - Description: Light ash blonde w/ 33% pale natural gold blonde (613) highlights
H indicates a highlighted color. These colors are blended with a 20% highlight.
ex: 6H12 - called Espresso - Brown with 20% Light Gold Brown Highlights
F indicates blended colors with the darker color solid at the nape.
ex: 101F48T Blend of light brown with 75% grey (48) / soft white front / soft white tips(101)
Indicates a shaded / gradient color. The roots of the wig is shaded a darker color than the rest of the wig. This has the most appealing effect of colored hair with natural regrowth.
These colors are not to be altered in any way.
ex: 30A27S4 - called Shaded Peach - Description: A blend of medium natural red & medium red-gold blonde - shaded w/ dark brown. The shaded color at the roots is S4.
B | BT | MB
Equally Blended colors are indicated with a B in the color code.
BT are equally B blended colors which are T tipped with a lighter color.
MB are mixed blended. Jon Renau blends their solid colors to achieve exceptional new colors that mimic natural tones.
ex: 60B56F - Description: A blend of pure white w/ 5% medium brown graduating to dark brown w/ 65% grey.
ex: 12/30BT - called Rootbeer Float - Description: A blend of lght gold brown & medium red-gold w/ medium red-gold tips.
ex: 27MB - called Strawberry Shortcake - Description: Mixed blend of medium red gold blonds.
Tipped colors are indicated with a T in the color code. Jon Renau's highlighting is demonstrated throughout the body of the wig, as well as the ends.
ex: 12/30BT - A blend of light gold brown & medium red-gold w/ medium red-gold tips.
Two-Toned colors are indicated with a TT in the Jon Renau color code. The nape of the wig will be the darker shade, while the crown and sides will be the lighter shade.
ex: 10/22TT - Description: A blend of light brown and light natural blonde with light brown at nape.
Vibrant Colors
Vibrant colors are found blended in the Jon Renau Arctic Colors
V (Violet)
PL (Plum)
PK (Pink)
BL (Blue)
ex: FS60/PKS18 called Frost - description: Pure white with pink blended. Shaded with dark natural ash blonde.
ex: FS60/BLS6 called Glacier - description: Pure white blended with blue. Roots shaded with brown.
HD Heat Defient
We designate many of Jon Renau heat resistant synthetic fibers with a HD. They may have the same color code as regular synthetic fibers and a similar description, but NOTE that the colors will look slightly different because of the HD fiber.
ex: 56F51 - called Oyster - Description: Light grey w/ 20% medium brown front, graduating to grey w/ 30% medium brown at nape.
ex: HD-56F51 - called Oyster - Description: Blend of grey & platinum w/ 5% dark gold brown in front, grey w/ 30% medium gold brown at nape.
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Louis Ferre Color Codes
Louis Ferre color descriptions use numerical color codes 2, 4, 8/6 (a blend of #8 & #6), 6/8/28, 24/14/12 and descriptive names usually for their human hair color swatches such as Honey Blond, Ginger Blond Twist Root, Bronzed Brown, Moccacchino. We add an HH to designate it as a human hair color swatch.
In many cases you will need to read descriptions of colors to determine if the color is rooted, tipped, or highlighted for Human hair colors.
Synthetic & Human Hair colors
R added at the end of the color name for Human hair swatches indicates a Rooted color.
Some human hair swatch names has Root as part of its name designating it is a rooted color with darker roots.
ex: Spring Acorn R
ex: Vanilla Swirl Root whose color code is 22/8 - Description: A blend of light blonde & ice blonde (22) with medium brown (8) roots.
Many rooted colors listed as numerals will have 6 as the last color designation. #6 is a dark brown. The position indicates the root color is #6 (dark brown).
ex: 10/6/6 whose color name is Cafe Latte Rooted - Description: Evenly blended dark brown & ash brown with dark #6 roots.
ex: 140/22/6 whose color name is Sunshine Gold Rooted - Description: Light blonde blended w/ light red & blonde highlight tones w/ medium brown roots.
ex: 140/14/6 whose color name is Spring Acorn Rooted - Description: Medium blonde blended w/ light brown tones & dark brown root.
T Tipped color will have a T before the color code numbers in the Louis Ferre synthetic colors. However for the human hair colors you will often need to read the pop up descriptions to understand the color breakdown
ex: T140/8 - Description: Brown blended w/ medium blonde tones, medium blonde tip
Human hair colors that are tipped only disclosed in color description
ex: 18 Karat Gold (same as the color code T140/8 - Description: Brown blended w/ medium blonde tones, medium blonde tip
ex: Medium Shade Blond HH - Description: Ash blonde blended w/ golden blonde tones, blonde tipped
H Highlights
Some colors will have an H at the end indicating highlights in this wig style.
ex: 29H - Description: Copper w/ blonde highlights
ex: 3329H - Description: Dark red w/ copper highlights
Other highlighted colors do not.
ex: 30/27F - Description: Auburn Mist - Medium red highlight w/ light brown & red
ex: 30/27C whose color name is Maple Sugar - Description: Medium red mix w/ light brown & red highlights.
ex: Gold Blond HH - Description: #140/22 but in HH (human hair) Light blonde blended w/ light red highlight tones
Louis Ferre human hair colors have an added HH below the color name
Regular colors either have a name or a number
ex: Names like Expresso or Coconut Spice or numbers like 51 or 56.
ex: R20F - Description: Light auburn with golden blonde frost
R added at the end of the color name indicates a rooted color
ex: Desert Sand R - Description: Blend of warm rich blond & cool light blond w/h brown tone roots.
LR Long Rooted color has darker longer roots
ex: Kandy Brown LR - Description: Warm light brown & dark rich brown mixed w/ dark long roots
ex: Plumberry Jam LR - Description: Medium Plum Ombre rooted with 50/50 blend of Red/Fuschia
H added at the end (H) indicates a hybrant color
ex: Mocha-H - Description: Medium ash blonde with platinum highlight.
ex: Terracotta H - Description: Dark brown gold brown base with bright auburn highlights and dark roots.
T Tipped color
ex:Spring Honey T - Description: - Base of honey blonde blended with gold platinum blonde, lighter at the face & tipped with lighter ends.
Hybrant Silver Colors
These 4 colors just have descriptive names. They are lighter in the front and darker in the back and at the at nape.
ex: Black Onyx - Description: Lighter Front/Darker Back: 56, 44, 2 (Black base with a Dark Grey and Silver 50/50 blended highlight)
A combination of warm, off-black base with a hint of platinum white. Soft platinum white highlights create a lighter front.
ex: Midnite Pearl - Description: Lighter Front/Darker Back: 59, 44, 6 (Dark Brown base with Dark Brown and Silver blend with Silver bangs)
ex: Sandy Silver - Description: Lighter front/darker back: 39, 38, 59 - Medium brown & silver blend - transitions to more silver light ash brown then to silver bangs.
ex: Silver Stone - Description: Lighter Front to Darker Back 56, 51, 44 (Silver Medium Brown blend that transitions to more Silver then Medium Brown. Distinctive silver bangs.)
Raquel Welch Color Codes
Raquel Welch wigs are available in two different synthetic fibers Vibralite and Tru2Lide a heat friendly synthetic, as well as human hair and Remy human hair.
Kanekalon Vibralite synthetic fiber simulates protein rich hair for a natural look and feel. All S+ multi-dimensional blends reflect the latest coloring techniques being used in top salons around the country. They are specially blended throughout the style with highlights and lowlights that complement the basic color.
Tru2Life synthetic fiber looks and feels like real hair. The texture is light, soft and lustrous without being shiny, plus it s heat-friendly! Straight styles can be curled and curly styles can be straightened using your flat iron, curling iron or blow
From the Black Label Collection, all Raquel Welch human hair color levels have been specially processed so that they can be professionally colored and/or permed.
Raquel Couture wigs are made with 100% full cuticle hair that has been third party tested, hand-selected, certified. Because all the cuticles run in the same direction, hair is softer to the touch and natural looking. Minimal processing allows the hair to hold its lustrous shine and elasticity.
Signature Collection styles with Vibralite Synthetic Hair
Color designations for Vibralite Synthetic Hair
R Regular color
ex: R6 color name: Dark Chocolate- Description: Rich dark brown.
R with a + at the end or an H indicates there are high lights
ex: R829S+ color name: Glazed Hazelnut - Description: Medium brown with ginger highlights from top
ex: R12/26H color name: Honey Pecan - Description: Light brown with subtle medium blonde highlights.
SS Shadow Shaded colors feature a darker color depth at the root.
ex: SS15/24 color name: Shaded Champagne - Description: Medium blonde blended with gold-blonde and golden brown roots.
Signature Collection styles with Tru2Life Heat-Friendly Synthetic Hair
Color designations for Tru2Life Heat-Friendly Synthetic Hair
RL designates Tru2Life Heat-Friendly Synthetic Hair
ex: RL6/8 color name: Dark Chocolate - Medium brown evenly blended with warm light brown.
ex: RL13/88 color name: Golden Pecan - Neutral medium blonde with high lights of pale honey blonde.
Many of these colors are available in the regular color and a SS version.
RL with SS designate Tru2Life Heat-Friendly Synthetic Shaded colors which are a blend of 2 colors with a darker rooted color.
ex: RL33/35SS color name: Shaded Deepest Ruby - Dark auburn and ruby red blended evenly with darker roots.
ex: RL33/35 color name: Deepest Ruby - Dark auburn blended evenly with ruby red.
Couture Remy Human Hair
R Regular colors are designated with R in front of a number.
ex: R10 color name: Chestnut - Description: Medium brown with subtle golden brown highlights throughout
ex: R25 Ginger Blonde - Description: Medium golden blonde w/ subtle pale blonde highlights.
SS Shaded colors are a blend of 2 colors with a darker rooted color.
ex: SS8/25 color name: Golden Walnut - Description: Medium brown w/ subtle warm highlights & dark roots.
ex: SS14/88 color name: Shaded Golden Wheat - Description: Blend of shaded dark blondes with pale blonde high light & dark roots.
Black Label Human Hair
R with HH added at the end of either a number or a name indicates Regular colors in human hair fibers.
ex: R10HH color name: Palest Blonde
ex: Nutmeg color name: Nutmeg HH - Description: Light reddish brown.
R with a S+ added at the end indicates highlights on top
ex: R829S+ color name: Glazed Hazelnut - Description: Medium brown with ginger highlights from top
R with a H added at the end indicates highlights
ex: R6/30H color name: Chocolate Copper - Description: Dark brown evenly blended with medium auburn highlights.
Only two Black Label styles, Contessa and Princessa, made from 100% Eastern European Remy human hair have color designations that start with BL (Black Label)- BL1, BL2, BL3, BL4, BL5, BL6, BL7, BL8, BL9, BL10
ex: BL10 color name: Palest Blonde
ex: BL4 color name: Medium Brown Red
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Rene of Paris Color Codes
Regular colors just have descriptive names for the color or a number.
ex: Garnet Glaze, Frozen Sapphire, Harvest Gold, Hot Chocolate, Vanilla Bean, Melted Ocean
ex: 60 (White)
Fantasy colors
The pop up description will clarify if a fantasy color is rooted and how the blend of colors interact.
ex: Melted Ocean - Description: Dark sapphire blue blending into capri blue & sky blue tones finishing into graphite white &the palest pastel blues.
ex: Cosmic Teal - Description: Dark brown base blended with teal.
ex:Frozen Sapphire - Description: Darker roots, dark brown base w/ a blend of gray, & blue mix.
LR long roots looks like regrowth of natural longer roots
ex: Macadamia LR - Description: A warm rich ombre of the macadamia brown roots blend through into soft, golden blond and walnut cream slices.
ex: Milk Tea LR - Description: A mixture of warm light brown with a hint of pastel lavender and medium brown long roots.
R Rooted
ex: Irish Spice R - Description: Medium red brown root regrowth w/ a blend of medium & light brown slices w/ cool copper highlights, w/ chestnut tones & dark brown red copper undertones.
ex: Snowy Sapphire R - Description: A smoky all over tone tone with soft black root, a silver white base with a hint of soft blue.
H indicates highlights
ex: Ginger-H - Description: Deep browns and smoked paprika slices, blended into fine weaves of highlighted ginger.
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Tony of Beverly Color Codes
Most Tony of Beverly colors either have a descriptive color name or a number.
Color fashion names
ex: Bamboo - Description: Light gold brown (#12) w/ dark beige brown (#14) & golden brown (#16) highlights.
ex: Warmth - Description: A blend of warm brown & dark gold blonde w/ golden brown highlights. ex: Safari - Description: Dark brown with high lights of 15% medium gold blonde. Single numbers
ex: 8/ 10/ 30 / 131
Two numbers separated by a / (slash) indicate a blend of the two colors
ex: 14/24 - Description: 50/50 blend of dark beige blonde (#14) with frosting of light gold blonde (#24)
ex: 16/22 - Description: 50/50 blend of gold blonde (#16) frosted with ash blonde (#22)
ex: 56/51/44 - Description: 56 Front, 51 Crown, 44 Back (Lighter front to darker back)
Colors have Rooted in front of the number or name of the color. The break down of the color is found in the pop up when you mouse over the swatch color on a product page.
ex: Rooted Fire - Description: Dark brown (4) roots with dark auburn (33) ends.
ex: Rooted Hot Cocoa - Description: Darkest brown roots with hot cocoa ends.
ex: Rooted Malibu - Description: Malibu blonde (#25) medium gold blonde with chestnut brown roots (#8).
BT Base color with darker roots
ex: 613/12BT - Description: Light Gold Brown (12) roots on a Vanilla (613) base
ex: 24BT18 - Description: Light ash brown (#18) base with golden blond (#24B) tips.
T Tipped Dark base color tipped with highlighted ends
ex: 102T18 - Description: 18 Root w/ 102 Tip
ex: 26T8 - Description: 8 Root w/ 26 Tip
ex: 613HL27 - Description: 27 Base w/ 15% 613 Highlights
HL - Highlighted colors
ex: 12HL6 - Description: Medium brown base (#6) with 5% highlights of light gold brown
S Shaded front to back
ex: 48S60 - Description: 48 and 60 Blend: Lighter Front, Darker Back
ex: 44S60 - Description: 60 and 44 Blend: Lighter Front, Darker Back
ex: 18S22 - Description: 18 and 22 Blend: Lighter Front, Darker Back
Whenever possible we will try to break down the percentage of grey in the descriptions of Tony of Beverly numereous grey shades. Unfortunately, if Tony of Beverly does not supply us with all the granular information, we try to give as much destail as possible.
ex: 38 - Description: Light brown with 15% grey
ex: 38S60B - Description: #60B (white) front, top is light brown w/ 15% grey, & back (#38) light brown w/ 15% grey.
ex: Pearl Mist - Description: Grey mist (36) with a pearl silver top.
TressAllure Color Codes
Please read the descriptions that pop up when you mouse over TressAllure colors on our product pages. They give a fuller explanation of the color.
Regular colors just have descriptive names for the color or a number. The descriptions help explain if the color is a blend of two colors or a solid color.
ex: Sheer Plum - Description: Shaded - Dark auburn blended with bright red.
ex: Golden Brown - Description: A blend of 3 warm tones: dark blond,light brown & chocolate brown streaked in front wi/ lighter tone.
ex: Satin Gold - Description: A blend of gold blondes.
ex: Deep Sepia - Description: Dark brown blended w/ medium reddish brown and medium auburn .
ex: Princess Ivory - Description: Light creamy blonde with highlights of platinum blonde.
ex: 1, 1B, 12, 825, 14
ex: 29 color name: Golden Red - Description: Solid color
ex: 14/88 color name: Harvest Wheat - Description: Light golden blonde blended to very light blonde tips.
ex: 6/27 color name: Glazed Caramel - Description: Two tone medium brown & red tones streaked.
R Rooted Most colors with roots have R after the number of the color or Rooted is designated after the color name. Not all rooted colors have a R designation. Some colors are only identified as rooted in their description.
ex: Silky Sand - Description: Shaded - Dark brown roots on pale champagne.
ex: Mimosa HL - Description: Shaded - Dark brown roots on light reddish brown with highlights of pale champagne blonde.
ex: Dark Amber HL - Description: Rooted Color
ex: Sugar Brulee - Description: Rooted Color
H / HL - Highlighted Colors Have H or HL after the name or number of the color
ex: Cherrywood HL - Description: Medium brown with high lights of auburn.
ex: 27/30/33H - Description: Auburn blend with highlights
ex: 829H - Description: Blend of dark brown, medium brown, & copper red with coppery highlights
Not all highlighted colors have a HL designation. Some colors are only identified as highlighted in their description.
ex: Honey Bean - Description: Medium brown with high lights of strawberry blonde.